The Hemispheres

Left Brain, Right Brain. Human brain hemispheres. EPS 8, CMYK - stock vector



Brain hemisphere functions


Follow the link to determine which side of your brain you use more of:


Answer the questions below:

Are you Left-brained or Right-brained?

Directions: For each pair below, CIRCLE the letter of the ONE that describes you most closely, (a) or (b). (*If BOTH options sound like you at different times, then choose the option that sounds MORE like you, or the option you are naturally drawn to when you aren’t forcing yourself to do the other.)                                                        1

  1. a) Prefers verbal directions, such as names of streets, when receiving directions to get somewhere.


  1. b) Prefers visual directions, such as landmarks (places) or maps when receiving directions.



  1. a) Likes a clean, organized desk with everything in its assigned place.


  1. b) Likes to have a variety of materials at hand, and may have piles of papers, books or other items on desk.



  1. a) Likes to finish one task before starting another.


  1. b) Likes to have several projects going simultaneously.



  1. a) Works at a task in a logical, sequential order (one thing at a time, from first to last).


  1. b) Works at a task in a more random order, sometimes starting in the middle or at the end.



  1. a) Prefers word games AND/OR number games, if given a choice.


  1. b) Prefers artistic or creative games, if given a choice.



  1. a) Is naturally better at math OR English OR foreign languages than art, music or design


  1. b) Is naturally better at art OR music OR design than math, English or foreign languages.



  1. a) When on break or vacation, prefers to plan ahead and structure the day carefully.


  1. b) When on break or vacation, prefers to be spontaneous and to wait and see what the day brings.



  1. a) Prefers to analyze things carefully and discover the answer by breaking down the facts one by one.


  1. b) Prefers to wait for a while then allow the answer to suddenly emerge during a moment of inspiration.



  1. a) Prefers to work with words or numbers rather than shapes or colors.


  1. b) Prefers to work with shapes or colors rather than words or numbers.



  1. a) Learns best by mostly just listening or reading.


  1. b) Learns best by mostly just seeing visuals, such as looking at pictures and diagrams.


  1. a) Prefers to work with concrete details and facts.


  1. b) Prefers to work with large ideas or mysterious feelings.



  1. a) Only enjoys art or music for short periods of time… gets restless after looking at paintings or listing to

                                                music for too long.

  1. b) Spends a lot of free time enjoying or making art or music.



  1. a) Your best ideas come only after serious, careful thought.


  1. b) Your best ideas often come as a surprise, just popping out during a flash of insight.



  1. a) Prefers to work in a quiet atmosphere without interruptions.


  1. b) Prefers to work in an active environment with a little bit of noise.



  1. a) Usually controls or suppresses emotions, and often hides true feelings.


  1. b) Usually displays emotions and is comfortable with sharing true feelings.



  1. a) Naturally better at fixing things or taking things apart than creating something new.


  1. b) Naturally better at creating something new than fixing things or taking them apart.



  1. a) You are a pretty good talker; you speak clearly and precisely, knowing exactly what you want to say.


  1. b) You often prefer other forms of communication besides talking; you are a person of “few words”.



  1. a) Better at remembering people’s names than their faces.


  1. b) Better at remembering people’s faces than their names.



  1. a) You feel it’s more important to be correct than to be original.


  1. b) You feel it’s more important to be original than to be correct.



  1. a) You feel that being on time is a priority, and you sometimes arrive a little bit early, just to be safe.


  1. b) You lose track of time because you are busy doing something else, and often arrive late.


# of times (b) was circled: _______________
# of times (a) was circled: _______________



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